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Following an earlier informal discussion with the Board of Regents, the Secretary proposed that the Chancellor appoint a Committee to consider appropriate steps that might be taken for the purpose of raising general funds and also funds for buildings for the Smithsonian. It was suggested that a quiet approach to a limited number of individuals or foundations who are thought to be able to make large gifts be undertaken.

On motion, unanimously approved, the Chancellor was authorized to appoint a special committee for the purpose of raising funds, the Secretary to be a member of this Committee. The Chancellor indicated that as much as possible of these funds should be unlimited with regard to restrictions on expenditure.


The Langley Medal of the Smithsonian Institution was established in 1909 for award to Wilbur and Orville Wright in recognition of their accomplishment in the first sustained flight of a man in a heavier-than-air machine. Subsequently the medal was presented in 1913 to Glen H. Curtis and to Gustave Eiffel, in 1927 to Charles A. Lindbergh, in 1929 to Charles M. Manly (posthumously) and to Richard E. Byrd, and in 1935 to Joseph S. Ames.

The question of a further award is brought to attention now in view of the plans in the present year (1953) for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight, and because of one suggestion that has been received.

Under date of December 19, 1952, a communication was received from Rear Admiral T. S. Combs, Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics, Department of the Navy, recommending that consideration be given by the Regents for an award of the Langley Medal to Captain Walter S. Diehl USN (Ret.). After careful consideration by the Board, the Secretary was instructed to report to Admiral Combs that the Regents had given attention to this matter but no action was taken.

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