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consent to the application of the Federal Civil Service Laws, nor the Federal Classification Act of 1923, as amended, to such officers and members paid from trust funds, nor to the application of any other law which would in any way contravene the Act of Establishment of the Smithsonian Institution approved on August 10, 1846, with amendments thereto."

The legal staff of the National Gallery of Arts has done considerable research on this matter and has brought under one cover all actions concerned with the subject. This work has just been completed and, unfortunately, it does not seem possible for the Board of Regents to take final action on it in the present meeting. It is, therefore, suggested that the Board approve a resolution referring this matter to the Executive Committee when it is complete.
RESOLVED: That the reply made to the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, and signed by the Chancellor of the Institution, relating to the status of Trust Fund Employees of the Institution be left to the Executive Committee and the Chancellor for approval.

Various legislative matters were considered.
Report was made in the annual meeting last year that S. 1136, introduced in the Senate, a bill to place under the General Services Administration certain activities, included the Smithsonian Institution. The Secretary, under direction of the Regents made strong representation against this, and the bill finally was placed with the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia where no further action has been taken. This is now again before the Congress through H. R. 295, introduced by Congressman Hoffman of Michigan under date of January 3, 1953.