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unable to be present because of an emergency meeting of a Senate committee.

On motion, Mr. Robert V. Fleming, Chairman of the Executive Committee, was appointed temporary chairman in the absence of a Chancellor.


A cordial welcome by the Chairman was extended to the following new members of the Board:

Representative Leroy Johnson, Member of Congress from California; Regent of the Smithsonian Institution from the House of Representatives since February 6, 1953.

The Honorable Owen J. Roberts, of Philadelphia, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution since July 23, 1953.

The Chief Justice of the United States, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution since October 5, 1953.


The Chairman stated that mail ballots had been received from the Regents favoring the election of Chief Justice Warren as Chancellor of the Institution, and on behalf of the Board, he wished the Chief Justice to know that the members were deeply appreciative of the fact that he was willing to assume this additional obligation in addition to his very arduous duties.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was

VOTED that the Mail Ballot favoring the election of the Honorable Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States, as Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution, be confirmed, and that he be declared unanimously elected.


After the above vote, the Chief Justice of the United States, the Honorable Earl Warren as Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution assumed the chair of the presiding officer for the balance of the meeting.

The newly elected Chancellor, in assuming the chair, spoke of his deep interest