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RESOLVED, That the Board of Regents has learned with deep regret of the resignation of Dr. Vannevar Bush, who has been a most respected and highly valued member of the Board since 1940. Dr. Bush has dedicated his life to the increase and diffusion of scientific knowledge. He has achieved distinction as a scientific investigator, as a teacher, and as an administrator. His unparalleled success in marshaling the scientific abilities of the free world during World War II is now an important and brilliant page in American history. He regarded his position as a Regent and as a member of the Executive Committee as an opportunity for service. He gave freely of his time and wisdom to the business of the Institution. Both the Board of Regents and the City of Washington have suffered a serious loss in his resignation from the Board and by his departure from the city.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be entered in the Minutes of the Board and that a copy be sent to Dr. Bush as an expression of the personal regard felt by the Regents.

On motion, the above resolutions were adopted, and it was further voted that these resolutions be engrossed for presentation to Dr. Bush.


Senator Saltonstall moved, and Senator Anderson seconded, a motion that the report of the Executive Committee in regard to nominations for the three vacancies for Citizen Regents be accepted, and it was

VOTED to have the Secretary prepare drafts of Joint Resolutions concerning each of the following three individuals who were unanimously recommended for election as Citizen Regents:

Everette Lee DeGolyer
Crawford Hallock Greenewalt
Caryl Parker Haskins

and that these drafts be presented to the Congress for consideration.

The Acting Chairman again noting the resignation of Dr. Bush, called attention to the fact that it would be convenient for him as Chairman of the Executive Committee to have another member of the Committee who was a year-round resident of the District of Columbia. On motion by Dr. Hunsaker, and seconded by Dr. Compton, it was

VOTED that after his appointment by Congress, Dr. Caryl Parker Haskins be and hereby is elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, and that he be notified

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