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years. The Secretary read a letter dated January 7, 1959 from the General Services Administration indicating the latest estimate of the costs of construction as $18,810,000. Senator Saltonstall spoke of the budgetary problems of the government as a whole as they affect an expenditure such as this. On motion by Senator Anderson, seconded by Dr. Brown and carried, with Senator Saltonstall dissenting, it was

VOTED that the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution recommend the submission to the Bureau of the Budget and to the Congress of an estimate of appropriation for $18,810,000 for the construction of additions to the Natural History Building.


As the Chancellor had to leave for the Supreme Court, he relinquished the chair to Dr. Robert V. Fleming, Chairman of the Executive Committee, at 10:20 a.m.


Dr. Robert V. Fleming Chairman of the Executive Committee presented his report. On motion by Mr. Cannon, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Report of the Executive Committee as presented, directs that it be included in the minutes of the present meeting and that the Chairman be asked to serve for the next year.

The report is as follows:

The Annual Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, which is before you, includes a report of the actions of the Executive Committee during that year. This formal report deals with the operation of the Smithsonian Institution and the investments and income of the private funds of the Institution from July 1, 1957 to June 30, 1958.