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being done by the Institution. The appropriateness of the emphasis now being placed on this particular field of research by the Smithsonian in view of the Institution's history of prominence in astrophysics dating back to its first Secretary, Joseph Henry, and subsequently upheld by Secretary Langley and Secretary Abbot, was stressed. Dr. Hunsaker deplored the fact that there might possibly be some uncertainty as to the budget for the work that is being done in Cambridge by Dr. Whipple. Specifically Dr. Hunsaker suggested that, although none of the agencies presently granting funds to the Smithsonian for its satellite tracking studies has so-called "in-house" facilities for performing this kind of research, there might be people who believe that all space work of any kind should be done by one agency. Mr. Brooks, however, said that the House Committee on Science and Astronautics, of which he is Chairman, had made extensive studies of both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation, the two principal sources of funds for the Smithsonian Satellite Program, and he felt that neither of these agencies would want to assume the work now done under the Smithsonian Program, particularly since the Smithsonian Institution has gained such renown in this country and indeed all over the world for its effective handling of these studies. Dr. Greenewalt said that he agreed with Mr. Brooks and that the Smithsonian must certainly be acknowledged as being pre-eminently equipped to perform essential space research in the realm of pure science as a basis for the notable applied research being done by other agencies. The Regents were reminded that at a previous annual meeting Senator Anderson had commended the Institution for its achievements in space research and that he had at that time stated that he hoped that the Smithsonian might be allowed to continue its work in this field. Senator Anderson reaffirmed this view. Senator Fulbright added that in his opinion the astrophysical side of the Institution's activities was of such great importance as to require a definite statement 

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