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by law to the advancement of science and to instruction and recreation, is a valuable adjunct to the total program of the Institution and especially so in the field of zoology; that the development of this total program including scientific work should be continued and augmented in the Institution in future years; and that the Secretary be instructed to do whatever is necessary to carry out this policy.

With respect to the question of charging fees at the National Zoological Park as suggested by the Bureau of the Budget and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, discussion developed that such revenues would probably be inadequate to finance capital improvements; that admission to the National Zoological Park should be free in keeping with the established policy of the museums of the Smithsonian Institution; that the great number of visitors from the 50 states, as well as from the District of Columbia, should not be charged to visit the National Zoological Park; and that those of limited income should not be deprived of wholesome and educational recreation at the National Zoo. On motion by Dr. Haskins, seconded by Dr. Compton, and carried it was
VOTED that the Board of Regents is opposed to charges being made at the National Zoological Park for admission.

With respect to the capital improvements program, on motion by Dr. Pleming, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and carried it was
VOTED that the Board of Regents directs the Secretary to carry out a capital improvement program at the National Zoological Park, to be undertaken in annual increments over an appropriate period of time, subject to the approval by the Regents of the improvement program; provided that the District of Columbia continues to finance the operation and maintenance of the Zoo. Federal appropriations for capital improvements should be requested by the Secretary.

Dr. Fleming, Chairman of the Executive Committee, presented the following report: