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that has been followed to bring about additions and changes in construction to the Building. The Secretary replied that these have been recommended by the General Services Administration after consultation with the Smithsonian staff and with special reference to the original plan of the building. The effort had been made to restore as many items as possible that had been considered in early plans when the money to erect the building was sought from the Congress. Great care had been exercised to make recommendations that would produce the best possible building within the amount of appropriation.

Senator Saltonstall suggested that it might be helpful at this point to pass a resolution and offered the resolution given below as follows:

The Board of Regents wishes to emphasize that contracts or arrangements listed in Table IV, to be made with separate contracts, or possible additional construction listed in Table V, be submitted to the Congressional Committee and to the Executive Committee at least two weeks before being consummated.

The Vice President felt this resolution was appropriate as the Regents are authorized to construct the Building and the Joint Congressional Committee is authorized under Section 4 of Public Law 106 (84th Congress) as follows:

"It shall be the duty of the Joint Committee to advise with the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution during the planning and construction of such building."

The Vice President moved the adoption of Senator Saltonstall's motion, and Mr. Bow seconded the motion. However, further discussion arose especially concerning possible delays and change orders, and this motion was not put to a vote. Later Senator Saltonstall reread his resolution with the addition of the following clause: "Provided that this vote shall not apply to minute change orders so-called or small alterations..." Senator Anderson suggested the figure of $5,000, and Senator Saltonstall agreed to the wording "small alterations of $5,000 or less." The discussion continued, and finally the consensus was that the Joint Congressional Committee has the authority to advise the Board of Regents during the planning and construction of the building; that the Board of Regents has the authority to build; and that the General Services Administration has the authority to perform the work.

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