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Before the Board of Regents acts it should receive the advice of the Joint Congressional Committee. There was additional discussion concerning the carrying out of these procedures by the Regents after the Joint Congressional Committee has presented its advice. Because of the difficulty of assembling the full Board for extra meetings it was suggested that after the advice of the Joint Committee had been received a mail vote by the Regents would be appropriate. On motion by the Vice President, seconded by Senator Anderson, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents is to review the advice of the Joint Congressional Committee on Construction of a Building for a Museum of History and Technology for the Smithsonian Institution concerning any additional obligations for the building before the General Services Administration is advised that any of these items is approved for inclusion in the project.


Dr. Carmichael stated that proposals for the operation of a cafeteria in this building were solicited from or volunteered by the following:

Government Services, Incorporated
Hot Shoppes, Incorporated
Howard Johnson's
A. L. Mathias Company

Howard Johnson's did not answer the solicitation. It has been concluded that any of the above firms would provide satisfactory service. It was noted that the prices submitted on sample menus were almost identical. Dr. Haskins asked if the Government Services, Incorporated had the contract for the cafeteria in the National Gallery of Art, and was told it did. Mr. Bow said that he had had a particular interest in this item, and had gone personally into the various cafeterias operated by the above concerns. It was his unqualified opinion that the Hot Shoppes, Incorporated would do it best. Dr. Fleming stated that he had had the opportunity over a long period of years to observe the service and quality of food of both Government Services, Incorporated and the Hot Shoppes, Incorporated, and that he felt that we would be happier with the service of the Hot Shoppes, Incorporated. On motion by

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