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Mr. Bow, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt and by Dr. Fleming, and carried it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the signing of a contract for provision of food services in the new Museum of History and Technology Building with the Hot Shoppes, Incorporated similar in nature to the contract now in force at the National Gallery of Art. 


It was reported that on April 27, 1962 the Act providing for a National Portrait Gallery as a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution had been approved. Dr. Brown expressed his grateful appreciation to the Congressional members of the Board for their valuable work in getting the Bill passed. The planning work can now go forward much more readily as it establishes a National Portrait Gallery Commission and gives authorization for the appointment of a Director and staff. On motion by Dr. Brown, seconded by Senator Saltonstall, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents directs the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to submit the names of potential nominees for the membership of the National Portrait Gallery Commission, together with the proposed functions of the Commission, for consideration at the next annual meeting of the Regents in January, 1963. These recommendations shall be made after consultation with the Regents Committee on the National Portrait Gallery. 

Dr. Brown offered an additional motion, which was seconded by Senator Saltonstall,  and carried. This motion reads as follows: 

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution to appoint and fix the compensation and duties of a Director of the National Portrait Gallery and to appoint and fix the duties of such other staff as may be necessary. The appointment of the Director shall be subject to the advice of the Regents Committee on the National Portrait Gallery and with the approval of the Executive Committee. 

[Note: Senator Anderson was called from the Room during the time that this matter was considered, and because of his deep interest in the National Portrait Gallery expressed his hope that the filling of the post of Director be considered by the full Board of Regents. This appointment, therefore, will be considered at a later meeting of the Board and no action will be taken before this meeting.]


The Secretary reported that excellent progress has been made on the wings for this building and funds had been authorized including alterations to the building. Construction