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was well ahead of schedule, and a very fine building is being prepared.


After discussion led by Dr. Hunsaker it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves in a general way the scope and the interior arrangement of the proposed Air and Space Museum Building as shown in the preliminary sketches presented, and directs that the Secretary again present a request for planning funds to the Bureau of the Budget and the Congress.

In the discussion it was pointed out that when planning funds are available the Board of Regents will wish to select the architect who is to design the building, and pass on the design as it is developed.


The Secretary referred to the legislation establishing the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board (Public Law 87-186), and stated that the following had been appointed by President Kennedy as members of this board:

Honorable Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States and Chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution
Dr. John Nicholas Brown, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution
Secretary of the Army, Elvis J. Stahr, Jr.
Secretary of the Navy, Fred Korth
Secretary of the Air Force, Eugene M. Zuckert
Dr. Rufus Early Clement, President, Atlanta University
Dr. David Lloyd Kreeger, Vice President, Government Employees Insurance Company
Dr. Henry Bradford Washburn, Director, Boston Museum of Science
Dr. William W. Whiteman, Jr., Lawyer, and Director of several financial institutions

The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution are ex-officio members of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board.

The Chancellor stated he would not be able to attend a meeting of this board in July. It was decided that the Secretary would get in touch with the Chancellor to arrange for a convenient date for the first meeting of this board.

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