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The Secretary stated that this is a private museum with a private Board of Trustees in the City of Washington. As instructed by the Board of Regents at the 1962 annual meeting the matter of a transfer of its collections to the Smithsonian had been studied. The Secretary reported that the Board of Trustees of the Textile Museum at the meeting on April 24, 1962, after carefully considering a possibility of transferring the collections, real estate, and endowments of the Museum to the Smithsonian Institution, decided that no action concerning this matter would be taken at the present time by the Trustees of the Textile Museum.


Prior to the meeting a summary and digest together with the Indenture of December 9, 1961 had been sent to all members of the Board. The Secretary reported that the Kress Foundation had agreed to liberalize its provisions a little. There was no discussion, and on motion by Mr. Cannon, seconded by Dr. Brown, and carried it was

VOTED that the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby approve the superseding indenture of December 9, 1961 between the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Trustees of the National Gallery of Art, and the Smithsonian Institution; and

VOTED FURTHER that the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby authorize the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary to execute the said indenture on behalf of the Institution.


The Secretary offered the following resolutions for the consideration of the Board:

RESOLVED: That whereas the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution has learned with deep sorrow of the death on February 17, 1962, of Archibald Gibson Wenley, Director of the Freer Gallery of Art since 1943:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the country and the Smithsonian Institution have lost a distinguished scholars and museum director.

Mr. Wenley has born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on May 5, 1898, and was educated in local schools and at the University of Michigan. He served

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