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should retire at age 65. In compliance with the direction of the Board that it be notified before he reached the age of 65 concerning his wishes in regard to retirement he was doing so. Dr. Fleming stated with regret that he knew the Secretary was sincere in his wish to retire. He said it was a wise step if it is the Secretary's wish. Dr. Fleming spoke of the length of time the previous committee had taken to select a new Secretary, and he felt it would be a good idea to appoint a committee ahead of time. He urged that the new Secretary be a scientist who belongs to the National Academy of Sciences as have all seven previous Secretaries. It was pointed out that the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Joseph Henry, was one of the founders of the National Academy of Sciences. Henry and all later Secretaries have also been members of America's oldest academy, the American Philosophical Society, at the time of their election. Dr. Greenewalt said that he was as sorry as the other members to hear of the Secretary's insistence on retirement, but that he was convinced of his insistence, and only in view of this fact did he offer a motion, that was seconded by Dr. Haskins, and carried. This motion reads as follows:

VOTED that the Chancellor be requested to appoint a special committee to make recommendations for a successor to L. Carmichael.

The motion was carried with regret, and Mr. Cannon stated he voted, "No," and the Chancellor, turning to Mr. Cannon, said, "I voted with you."


On motion duly seconded and carried it was

VOTED that the Annual Meeting of the Board of Regents be set for January 24, 1963, at 9:30 a.m.


There was a brief discussion of H.R. 11163 which concerns extending the time for the period during which funds for the construction of the National Cultural Center may be obtained. This bill has been referred to the Smithsonian Institution by the House Committee on Public Works for an expression of views. On motion of Dr. Fleming, duly seconded