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and carried it was

VOTED that the report to the House Committee state that in view of the fact the five year limitation in the present Act might discourage contributions to the fund raising campaign of the Trustees of the National Cultural Center, it is recommended that the extension of time as contemplated in H.R. 11163 be favorably considered by the Congress. Such action would be timely in view of the existing termination date of September 2, 1963, and the current nationwide effort being mounted to raise funds for construction of the Center.


On motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

After formal adjournment a dinner was held in the temporary building which serves as a National Air Museum. At this dinner attention was called to two outstanding gifts to the Smithsonian by members of the Board of Regents, Senator Clinton P. Anderson and Senator Leverett Saltonstall. These two gifts were on display for the evening in the Air Museum Building. Reference was also made to a Smithsonian scientific publication, "Dimensional Relationships for Flying Animals," by Dr. Crawford H. Greenewalt, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution.

The Chancellor called the Board to order and the following three resolutions were adopted:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents wishes to express to their fellow Regent, Senator Leverett Saltonstall, deepest appreciation for the handsome Lawrence family town coach of 1851 which, with funds for its restoration, was presented to the Smithsonian Institution by his mother, the late Mrs. Richard M. Saltonstall.

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents wishes to express to their fellow Regent, Senator Clinton P. Anderson, deepest appreciation for the beautifully bound copy of that great monument of fine bookmaking, the Kelmscott Chaucer, which he so graciously presented to the Smithsonian Institution.

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents wishes to express to their fellow Regent, Dr. Crawford H. Greenewalt, their pleasure and appreciation for the opportunity to publish under the Smithsonian Institution's imprint his scientific paper "Dimensional Relationships for Flying Animals."

Respectfully submitted,
Leonard Carmichael
Leonard Carmichael

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