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VOTED that the Regents authorize a subcommittee consisting of Dr. John Nicholas Brown and Dr. William A. M. Burden to make recommendations concerning an orrery or similar symbol to be placed on the Mall side of the Museum of History and Technology Building, and to report to the Board of Regents.

The Secretary was instructed to send all members of the Board and of the Joint Congressional Committee a detailed summary of plans for landscaping the grounds of the Building.


The Secretary reported that the East Wing is virtually complete and is an excellent addition. The invitation for bids is to be readvertised soon for the West Wing, and the Chancellor, the Chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee and the Chairman of the Executive Committee will be notified as soon as these new bids are received.


In the discussion of this building it was pointed out that some planning had already been under way. The Secretary reported that the Bureau of the Budget had allowed a request for part of the planning money for this building in the fiscal year 1964. The desirability of obtaining the full money in one year was emphasized, and the Congressional members in the House of Representatives indicated that they would consider a request for the entire amount. On motion by Senator Anderson, seconded by Senator Saltonstall, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents authorizes the Secretary to request the full amount of planning money for the fiscal year 1964 for the National Air Museum Building when he appears before the Congressional Appropriation Subcommittees.

The Secretary stated that when a panel of architects has been prepared the Board of Regents will be requested to make a selection of the architect for the National Air Museum Building.

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