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bills were the Policing Statute Amendments, the Canal Zone Biological Area Appropriation Amendment and the Oceanography bill.

The first two bills were accepted without objection.

Several of the Congressional members expressed their concern about the bill authorizing certain oceanography research. They pointed out that while the authorizing legislation would not appropriate money, an authorization usually was followed by an appropriation. After further discussion of the importance of oceanography and the possibility of establishing marine biology research facilities on the Atlantic or Pacific Coast, on motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded by Mr. Bow, and carried it was

VOTED that the Congressional members of the Board of Regents be requested to introduce legislation in the present session of Congress concerning amending the Institution's police statute and concerning amending the Canal Zone Biological Area authorization for appropriations; and further VOTED to defer until the May meeting any action on expanded programs of research in oceanography.


The Secretary stated that each member had before him the minutes of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Smithsonian Art Commission dated December 4, 1962. By unanimous motion it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the report of the Smithsonian Art Commission and the following actions taken at its meeting on December 4, 1962:

(a) Acceptance of the following works of art:

Terracotta, Myron T. Herrick (1854-1929) by Paul Manship (1885-    ). Offered by the sculptor, New York City.

Marble, Somnambula, by Randolph Rogers (1825-1892). Offered by Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Porroto, Washington, D. C.

Oil, Le Ravin de la Mort les Eparges, by Joseph Victor Communal. Bequest of Frederick R. Wulsin through Lucien Wulsin, Jr., Co-Executor of the Estate

Oil, Self Portrait, by Edmund C. Tarbell (1862-1938). Offered by Mrs. Josephine Tarbel Ferrell and Mrs. Mary Tarbell Schaffer.

Oil, Mrs. Edmund C. Tarbell, by Edmund C. Tarbell (1862-1938). Bequest of Mrs. Mercie Tarbell Clay.

Oil, Gravel, Fish and Soya Beans, by Carl Frederick Gaertner, A. N. A. (1898-1952), purchased in 1948 for $1,200 by the Council of the National Academy of Design from the fund provided by the Henry Ward Ranger 

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