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The Secretary, the Assistant Secretaries and the two secretaries taking the minutes withdrew from the meeting. 

An executive session was held by the Regents from 5:55 p.m. to 6:50 p.m. 

Dr. Haskins, Chairman of the Committee, has supplied the following statement concerning the Executive Session: 

Dr. Haskins presented the report of the Special Committee on Personnel appointed by the Chancellor, which consisted of Senator Saltonstall, Mr. Cannon, Mr. Fleming, and Dr. Brown, with himself as Chairman. The Committee was charged with considering the whole question of the succession to the office of Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution upon the retirement of Dr. Carmichael, and of recommending a candidate for the post. 

Dr. Haskins reported that the Committee had held two formal meetings, and in addition had conducted an extended informal series of investigations and discussions involving various individual members. It had first considered the basic nature of the Secretaryship in the future, the kinds of fiscal and other arrangements which should be proposed, and the general qualifications of an appropriate candidate for the post. The following conslusions [[conclusions]] of the first two matters had been reached by the Committee, and were presented to the Board of Regents as recommendations: 

1. Salary

It was pointed out by Dr. Haskins that the general level of salaries for posts comparable to that of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution had risen sharply in recent years as the costs of living had risen. A salary offer which only a few years ago would have seemed generous now might be inappropriate if not inadequate. After an extensive canvass of salaries in comparable positions elsewhere, the Committee recommended: 

a. That the salary offered to an incoming Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be set at $35,000. The question of supplementing this salary by a house allowance was carefully considered, and it was decided that this was inappropriate at the present time. 

b. That the salary of $35,000 also be paid to the present Secretary, Dr. Carmichael, retroactive to January 1, 1963. 

2. Security Benefits

a. That, should the new Secretary stay to retirement at age 65, he would be guaranteed security benefits in the normal pattern of practice within the Smithsonian Institution, in the amount of not less than $17,500 per annum.