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The House Committee on Appropriations recommended an appropriation of $1,600,000 to provide for the full planning costs in a single appropriation as recommended by the Board of Regents, in lieu of the two year appropriation plan proposed in the Budget. The entire amount was deleted from the Appropriation Bill on the Floor of the House.

In response to Senator Hayden's letter of April 3, 1963, requesting amendments considered to be justifiable in the Appropriation Bill for fiscal year 1964 as passed by the House of Representatives, an urgent request to restore funds for preparing the plans and specifications for the National Air Museum in the amount of $1,600,000 was submitted by letter April 11, 1963.

It was understood from the Clerk of the Subcommittee that the bill would be reported to the Senate during the week of May 13. Senator Saltonstall stated that the Subcommittee had acted on the bill on May 15, and the amounts would be made public on May 21, 1963, but that he was not at liberty to inform the Regents what the amounts would be. (Note: Subsequently, it was noted that the Appropriation Bill as passed by the Senate on May 28, 1963, included a provision of $511,000 for planning the National Air Museum.)


As suggested at the Regents meeting on January 24, 1963, brochures on six firms of architects as presented by the Public Buildings Service of the General Services Administration had been mailed to the Regents for their consideration in selecting an architect. The Secretary said that Mr. R. T. Daly, Commissioner, Public Buildings Service, in a recent letter had suggested the names of the following six architectural firms:

Harry Weese and Associates       Chicago, Illinois
Ralph Rapson and Associates      Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum    St. Louis, Missouri
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill     Chicago, Illinois
Office of Eero Saarinen          Hamden, Connecticut
Desmond-Miremont and Associates  Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Mr. Daly had also mentioned:

Harbeson, Hough, Livingston and Larson  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Deeter and Ritchey                       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania