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connection with the authorization of the transfer, the reports of both Committees referred to the transfer of the old Civil Service Commission Building upon completion of the new Civil Service Commission Building. Mr. Bow believed it would be well to call this forcefully to Mr. Boutin's attention. It was the sense of the meeting that such a communication should be sent. Mr. Bow, on being requested by Senator Saltonstall, said he would be delighted to send such a letter. On motion by Dr. Greenewalt, seconded by Dr. Brown, and carried it was

VOTED that the Regents approve Mr. Bow's sending a letter to the Administrator of General Services, setting forth the existing legislative history and authority for the transfer of the old Civil Service Commission Building to the Smithsonian Institution upon completion of the new Civil Service Commission Building.


Dr. Brown reported success in the acceptance of invitations extended by the Regents to the nominees for membership on the National Portrait Gallery Commission. The only declination had been Mr. Paul Mellon's because of other pressing commitments. Those accepting were:

Mrs. Catherine Drinker Bowen    Dr. Lewis Deschler
Dr. Julian P. Boyd              Dr. Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis
Dr. John Nicholas Brown         Dr. Richard H. Shryock
Colonel Frederick P. Todd

On motion by Dr. Brown, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and Dr. Fleming, and carried it was

VOTED that Mr. David E. Finley be asked on behalf of the Board of Regents to serve as a member of the National Portrait Gallery Commission to bring the total membership to eight.


Dr. Brown reported that the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board had had its second meeting on May 14, 1963, and that it was well attended. The members spent the day touring potential sites and discussing the concept of the Museum.