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The Secretary stated that the following legislation had been referred to the Smithsonian and the views of the Regents had been requested by various Committees of the Congress.

1. Mr. Lankford's bill (H.R. 5790) to increase the salaries at the National Zoological Park

On motion by Dr. Greenewalt, seconded by Mr. Cannon, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves in principle that the salary, retirement, and qualifications of the Zoo police should be comparable to Park police having comparable duties.

2. Mr. Widnall's Jount Resolution (H.J. Res. 68) identical to Senator Mundt's bill (S.J. 30)

"To advance peaceful relations between the United States and other nations by strengthening and expanding the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961; to establish biennial art competitions similar to those in European countries which give the arts a status equal to that provided athletics by the international Olympic games..."

It is believed that the idea originated in an address by Mr. Pierre Salinger.  The Secretary suggested that the legislation should specify the Secretary rather than the Director of the National Collection of Fine Arts, as the Secretary could call upon any of the members of the staffs of the Institution's art galleries for advice and also because the Secretary is responsible to the Regents for the conduct of the affairs of the Institution.  Dr. Greenewalt stated that it did not seem to him that the Regents should express an opinion.

On motion by Dr. Greenewalt, seconded by Dr. Brown, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents has no views on the merits of H.J. Res. 68 nor on S.J. 30, but the Regents recommend that the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution be mentioned under Section 2g(5) in lieu of the Director of the National Collection of Fine Arts.

3. Mr. Kyl's Joint Resolution (H.J. Res 181)

"To provide for the establishment of the Board on Presidential Memorials in the Nation's Capital, and for other purposes."

On motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents has no opinion on H.J. Res. 181.