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Carmichael is to be on the same basis as that used in the survivorship annuity presently used in Civil Service regulations, namely, fifty-five percent of the annuity paid to Dr. Carmichael. 

In order to signify the gratitude of the Board of Regents for Dr. Carmichael's distinguished service to the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Fleming proposed that a scroll be presented to Dr. Carmichael, signed by all the members of the Board of Regents, indicating their high regard for him. This was agreed to and signatures were obtained from all the members present. A copy of the resolution is attached (See Appendix) and is made a part of these minutes. 

The Secretary, the Secretary-Elect, the Assistant Secretaries and the two stenographers taking the minutes then returned to the meeting. 


The Secretary presented in detail the Comparative Nonpublic Funds Budget 1965 and 1964, together with Budget and Actual figures for 1963. Each member had before him a copy of this budget. The Secretary pointed out that each member also had before him the action taken by the Executive Committee in regard to the Budget, in compliance with the vote of the Board of Regents of January 17, 1958, that "an annual statement of nonpublic, unrestricted funds other than Government funds be submitted to the Executive Committee for its approval and report to the Board of Regents." As had been true in recent years, the Budget showed 1965, 1964, and 1963 budgets and 1963 actual receipts and disbursements, to provide an opportunity for comparison. Attention was called to the fact that the top sheet summarized the unrestricted and the restricted funds. 

The Secretary indicated that the figure $387,230 under Salaries included provision for pay increases effective January 5, 1964. The Regents had decided to grant to nonpublic employees the increases in pay parallel to Civil Service Commission grade levels. In 1965 there will be a full year of pay at the new salaries in contrast to a half year in 1964. The excess of receipts over disbursements for the total budget is in the amount of $324,720. 

Mr. Bow asked if there was any chart showing the employment figures over the last five years. The Secretary stated that no chart had been prepared. Mr. Bradley reported