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very tentative estimates presented for consideration by the Regents and direction as to whether or not the project should be initiated at this time.

Senator Anderson felt that Congress should be allowed to rest for awhile as there were more Smithsonian buildings now under consideration than had been for 100 years. The Secretary stated he fully understood Senator Anderson's reaction.

On motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded by Mr. Cannon, and carried it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents directs that the study of the restoration and renovation of the original Smithsonian Building be continued, within the funds of the Smithsonian Institution, and that the matter be brought to the attention of the Board of Regents at the next annual meeting. 


The Secretary stated that the National Cultural Center had now been renamed the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. (Several Regents had just returned to the meeting after going to the White House to witness the signing of the Act.) Senator Anderson presented to the Smithsonian Institution one of the pens used in the signing ceremony. 

The Secretary in reviewing the changes in the legislation creating the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts referred to the following section: (from the papers before the Regents.)

"The Board of Trustees of the Center is directed to provide for a suitable memorial within the Center for the late President, which cannot be created until approved by the Board of Regents."

Senator Anderson pointed out that if the Regents objected to a proposed memorial they could disapprove it. Senator Saltonstall stated that another question was involved, namely, that people had given money for this or that room, and there should be one official Kennedy memorial within the building. Senator Fulbright observed that this legislation would prevent other memorials from being sponsored in the vicinity of Washington.

Senator Saltonstall suggested that the Chancellor appoint Dr. Brown and his committee to receive any suggestions and pass them on to the Board of Regents, through the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents, at the next meeting. The consensus was that no