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The Secretary reported that the Regents had twice deferred action on any expanded program of research in oceanography. The proposed legislation would provide the Institution with certain additional authority in the field of marine natural history and would strengthen its existing authority. The Secretary indicated it would be appropriate to take no action at this time. The Chancellor stated that if there was no objection the Regents would follow the recommendation of the Secretary.


The Secretary stated that it was not his function to make judgments about legislation until it had been brought to the attention of the Board for its consideration. The following legislation had been referred to the Smithsonian and the views of the Regents had been requested by various Committees of the Congress.

1) Mr. Widnall's bill (H.R. 8234)

"To supplement the National Air Museum of the Smithsonian Institution with a National Transportation Museum in order to make the complete history of the transportation available for the benefit of the people of the United States, and to provide space for a National Visitor and Student Center in order to assist the seven million people who visit the Nation's Capital each year."

The Secretary reminded the Regents that the matter of the use of the Union Station had been brought to the attention of the Regents earlier by Mr. Bow. Mr. Bow stated that here was a magnificent building, ready made for use as a museum with many of the things one should want in such a museum. Mr. Bow urged that a further study be made of its usefulness. Dr. Hunsaker questioned whether a Transportation Museum might conflict with National Air Museum's objectives.

After further discussion, on motion by Mr. Bow, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and carried it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents directs the Secretary to have a study made of the proposal of using the Union Station building as a museum.

2) Mr. Schenck's bill (H.R. 8590)