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"To incorporate the National Aviation Hall of Fame."

VOTED that the Board of Regents instructs the Secretary to advise that it has no objection to this bill except to question the appropriateness of using the word, "National."

3) Mr. Teague's bill (H.R. 6651)
"To provide for a study and report to the Congress concerning the establishment of a National Space Museum."

On motion by Dr. Greenewalt, duly seconded and carried it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents directs the Secretary to explain the existence of the National Air Museum, the fact that it is also a Space Museum, and the intention of the Regents to ask Congress to revise the title to include the word, "Space." It was further VOTED that the Board of Regents considers that if any additional space museum is to be authorized it should be located outside the District of Columbia.

4) Mr. Donohue's and Mr. Philbin's identical bills (H.R. 3933 and H.R. 4259)
"To promote public knowledge of progress and achievement in astronautics and related sciences through the designation of a special day in honor of Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard, the father of modern rockets, missiles and astronautics."

It was noted that similar legislation, S. 656, had been introduced on February 4, 1963 by Senator Saltonstall.
On motion by Senator Saltonstall, seconded by Dr. Greenewalt, and carried it was VOTED that the Board of Regents offers no objection to H.R. 3933 and H.R. 4259. 

In the discussion about Goddard, the Secretary agreed to send Senator Fulbright the reports that have been made on Smithson's life.

As the Chancellor had to leave for the Supreme Court, he relinquished the chair to Dr. Robert V. Fleming, Chairman of the Executive Committee, at 12:45 p.m.

5) Senator Goldwater's bill (S. 1513)
"To preserve and make available in a volume or volumes certain historical and background material relating to American Indians."

On motion by Mr. Bow, seconded by Senator Fulbright, and carried it was