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Moreover, in Dr. Carmichael's tenure the endowment funds of the Institution were greatly increased, both through gain in investment value and through generous new gifts and bequests. In the conduct of the financial affairs of the Smithsonian he has evidenced exceptional financial prudence and sagacity;

Finally, we commend to public attention that now upward of fifteen million Americans annually visit the Smithsonian Institution to be inspired and instructed by its public displays and scientific research collections of more than fifty-seven million objects;

THEREFORE, BY THIS RESOLUTION, which will be spread upon the record, the Chancellor and Board of Regents reaffirm their admiration for and gratitude to Dr. Leonard Carmichael for all he has done to bring the Smithsonian Institution to its present state of prestige and usefulness. They rejoice that, in retirement, he will still be available for advice and counsel. They are proud of this able, dedicated, kindly man. They think that James Smithson would have been proud, too. 

Unanimously adopted by the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution January 23, 1964.

Robert V. Fleming 
Chairman, Executive Committee

Earl Warren 

Clinton P. Anderson

Frank T. Bow

John Nicholas Brown

Caryl P. Haskins 

J.W. Fulbright

Clarence Cannon

William A.M. Burden

Leverett Saltonstall

Michael J. Kirwan

Crawford H. Greenewalt

Jerome C. Hunsaker