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The Chancellor announced that it was a sad and solemn meeting day due to the loss on the previous day of a great Regent, Congressman Cannon. It was agreed by all present that the Smithsonian Institution never had a truer friend. The Chancellor felt that Mr. Cannon would prefer that the meeting be held as scheduled. Senator Saltonstall offered the following resolutions:

RESOLVED: That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution has just received with deep sorrow the announcement of the sudden death on May 12, 1964, of Honorable Clarence Cannon, Regent of the Institution since February 21, 1935. 

RESOLVED: That members of the Board of Regents have no words adequately to convey the sense of loss which the Institution and the country have suffered in the death of Mr. Cannon, who was a member of the Board for nearly thirty years and served as a member of its Executive Committee for nearly a quarter of a century. He was always deeply interested in all the many facets of the Smithsonian. No words of theirs could express the great debt they owe him for all that he has done during the years to further the best interests of the Institution. His wise counsel and unselfish devotion to the affairs of the Smithsonian will be sadly missed by his associates on the Board.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That these resolutions be entered in the minutes of the Board; That a copy be sent to Mrs. Cannon with an expression of the personal sense of loss felt by the Regents at the death of one of their most distinguished members. 

These resolutions were approved by a standing vote.


On motion by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Greenewalt, and carried it was 

VOTED that the minutes of the January 23, 1964, meeting, as previously circulated, be approved.