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Dr. Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. - 36 years of service
Director, Bureau of American Ethnology

Mr. E. L. Roy, Treasurer - 36 years of service

Mr. Philip S. Hopkins - 7 years of service
Director, National Air Museum

Mr. Fleming asked if the Secretary had a good replacement for Mr. Roy as he had a personal interest in this position. The Secretary replied that there was a good man in the Institution who had served for some years and was thoroughly familiar with the work of the Fiscal Division. On motion by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Senator Saltonstall, and carried it was

VOTED that the Regents request the Secretary express their appreciation to Dr. Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr., Director, Bureau of American Ethnology; Mr. E. L. Roy, Treasurer; and Mr. Philip S. Hopkins, Director, National Air Museum for the distinguished service each one has rendered to the Smithsonian Institution. 


The Secretary stated that during the past few years the Institution had undertaken very new and important developments in the areas of history and art. This had come about by Congressional action. As examples, he mentioned the F Street Gallery which for the first time will provide real scope for the National Collection of Fine Arts and the new Museum of History and Technology. There are new responsibilities in the National Portrait Gallery, the proposed National Air Museum, and the proposed National Armed Forces Museum. There is also the responsibility for cooperation with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 

It is advisable at this time to recognize these expanded responsibilities by providing for an additional Assistant Secretary. At present there are an Assistant Secretary