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The Secretary announced that there would be an opportunity to see the plans and model for the new Air and Space Building in the dining room. (Later, the Regents reviewed the plans and model and expressed their general approval.)

The Secretary reported that approval of the preliminary design had been obtained from the Commission of Fine Arts and the National Capital Planning Commission. The latter commission on May 8 reversed its earlier position of opposition. The Bureau of the Budget has advised that it has given clearance to the pending legislation to authorize construction of the building. While there is authorization for the Mall site and for the preparation of plans and specifications, legislation to authorize construction is needed.

The legislation introduced by the Regents had been delayed pending clearance by these two Commissions and the Bureau of the Budget. The Secretary stated he would now renew efforts to obtain a hearing from the House Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. He requested the assistance of the Congressional Regents in getting in touch with the members of the Committee concerned, to impress them with the importance of holding an early and favorable hearing. He plans to request construction funds in the forthcoming Budget for the fiscal year 1966. The total estimated project cost would be $41,920,000. If construction could start in the fiscal year 1966, the building should be completed in the summer of 1968 and open in 1969 to the public.


The present director, Mr. Philip S. Hopkins, retires on August 1, 1964. The Secretary with the advice of the Air Museum Advisory Board had considered seven candidates. He wished to request the Regents' consent to the appointment of Mr. S. Paul Johnston. Although Mr. Johnston is 65 years old, he is physically and mentally fit and enjoys an outstanding