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the Permanent Collection” that had been agreed upon by the Commission. Discussion centered on the merits of paragraph one, which read as follows:

“1. The criterion of admission shall be the national significance of the person portrayed. The selection shall be made without bias to any political party, race, or creed; nor shall faults of character be grounds for exclusion.”

Specific examples were considered in regard to the phrase, “faults of character,” as well as the ramifications of the phrase, “national significance."

On motion by Mr. Greenewalt, seconded by Mr. Bow, and carried it was

VOTED that the Regents adopt, with the omission of paragraph 1, the “Rules for Selection to the Permanent Collection of the National Portrait Gallery” as recommended by the National Portrait Gallery Commission. These rules to read as follows:


The purpose of the National Portrait Gallery is to collect and exhibit portraits and sculpture of persons who have made significant contributions to the history, development, and culture of the United States of America from its earliest period of discovery to the present and, as integral to this purpose, to establish a research center in American iconography and biography.

I. The Gallery hopes to acquire the best likenesses available, originals from life if possible, replicas or copies if necessary. The initial selection shall be made by the National Portrait Gallery Commission acting upon the recommendations of the Director and the Committee on acquisitions. The recommendations shall be circulated to the Commission before the meeting at which the selections are to be made. Approval of such recommendations shall be by a majority of two-thirds of the Commission. Proxy votes shall be admissible for this purpose.

II. No likeness of any person who has been dead less than ten years shall be exhibited in the permanent collection with the exception of the President of the United States and his wife.