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4. National Air Museum Amendments Act

H. J. Res. 940, introduced by Mr. Cannon on February 27, 1964, and S. 2602, introduced by Senators Anderson and Saltonstall on March 6, 1964, would amend existing legislation relating to the National Air Museum to change the name of this bureau to the "National Air and Space Museum" and to authorize the construction of a National Air and Space Museum Building. H.J. Res. 940 was referred to the Committee on House Administration, and S. 2602 to the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. This legislation was submitted to the Bureau of the Budget on February 26, 1964.

The Bureau of the Budget deferred action pending reports from the National Capital Planning Commission and the Commission of Fine Arts. On April 28, 1964, the Commission of Fine Arts approved the preliminary design. Earlier, on April 2, 1964, the National Capital Planning Commission had recommended against the legislation and expressed serious reservations on the preliminary design of the Air Museum Building. After further consideration of technical studies and of statement submitted by the Secretary in favor of approval on the basis of both functional suitability and legislative history, on May 8, 1964, on the Commission reversed its decision and approved the preliminary design of the Air Museum Building. 

The Bureau of the Budget has now advised that there is no objection to the legislation from the viewpoint of the Administration's program.

The Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration will be formally notified this week that the Smithsonian Institution now has the approval of the Commission of Fine Arts, the National Capital Planning Commission, and the Bureau of the Budget.

Enactment is urgently needed to authorize construction of this museum.