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Office Ass't Quartermaster and Disbursing Officer,
Bureau of R., F. & A. L., State of Texas,
Galveston, September 19th, 1866.


I have the honor to transmit to you herewith my receipts for Stationery received from you this day by express.  You will observe that I have erased the abbreviation "Qts" in the entry "12 qts. A.W. Fluid" and made it "Pts.," for such they were.

Four bottles of A.W. Fluid were broken in transit (I suppose) and rendered a good deal of the Stationery unfit for use.

Considering the high rate of express, the quality of the Stationery and the risk in sending it so great a distance, I would suggest that I be authorized to purchase here or at New Orleans, as I can do better for the Bureau.  Exp. Chgs. were $27 25/100.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servant,
Saml. I. Wright,
Captain and A.Q.M.

Bt. Major J.M. Brown,
Chief Quartermaster, Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Washington D.C.