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And still the boy has also regular features; beautiful, dark blue eyes; light, curling hair, which falls down over his shoulders; his skin is fair; and he has a gentle, refined air about him which is not common with boys. He is stooping over the wretched-looking slave, with one arm thrown around his neck, as with the  other he holds the water for him to drink. 

The other picture is in the villa near Misenum, the home of Ben Hur - It is a beautiful room, and through the open doors is seen the lake and village. In the centre of the room, on a rug is Tirzah, who has been playing with the children; near by stands the lovely Esther, looking on the group. She is richly dressed. Iras in her dirt and rags, yet retains some signs of her former beauty, but she looks rough and careworn as she kneels and kisses one of the 

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