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Lafayette's statue is just erected. We think it very nice: a great deal of fun is made of the cherubs with their giant heads.

We thought there was to have been a review before the Patent Centennial which is now being held and the President.

But Mark and I sat in the park while Myra walked around to the South front of the White House to see if there was any sign of the affair commencing: she returned with the information that she saw one man over there. Moreover, the man looked very nice: but Mark and I didn't decide to go back with her.

We had quite a jolly time yesterday. We went to the very top of the Washington Monument, and spent a half hour gazing out of the "pigeon holes".

From the car up to the Monument, we walked up a winding beaten track. As we went up and down over the little hillocks, we thought of
Rush Hill and we thought it delightful to be again upon the "bare ground" as Myra said.

We ascended in the elevator as Mark was with us. We were charmed with the scenery and while we were enjoying it the elevator with its load left us. We discovered the fact just as it started and of course we felt the greatest [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] consternation. My cry was "Well, why on earth didn't they let us know?" while Myra's was "Oh, we'll have to stay up here a half an hour."