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in the Monument and thought it a great joke that we should (to use slang) "get left in the monument"

We visited the National Museum the other day Didn't get a third through Among other things we saw were several personal belongings of Genl. & Martha Washington. There were some lovely cut-glass dishes, two suits of the General's clothes, a reticule of Martha's etc. We saw the original "Declaration of Independence", diamonds that made out eyes burn , etc, etc.

Had a little disappointment today  Miss Minnigerode did not come as expected and I didn't get much work done.

were with me you wouldn't see anything but brown jolliness and green silliness. But really I do feel very sorry because one of the girls leaves the school tomorrow. She is my favorite among the girls .....She is a very good artist but doesn't intend to work in the class anymore.

[[left margin]] Letter to Ira [[/left margin]]

It seems so funny, all the girls here dance. They don't think any more of it than they do of music. And to go to a dance or ball is no more

It seems so funny all the girls here dance They don't think anymore of it than thay [[they]] do of music And to go to a dance or ball is no more than to go to a reception or social

It breaks my heart to think I can't dance I do love it and would rather watch it than to eat. Myra and I went to an entertainment given by one of the public schools the other day And they had excellent stage dancing.