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It was by a little girl not more than ten years old and more graceful movements I never saw.

Well I'm all "wound up" as you say, and I've not begun yet. Wish I could see the horror on your face now.

It's all right about Bertha. She might afford to write me a little slim letter if she can write you big fat ones. Don't you see I'm jeal (But you know I'm not)........." Oh apples and honey! But wont  we have fun when -I come home- "When the robins nest again."

I really glory in your enterprise. You are in a noble cause Long live the ducks. May they they rise up and call you blessed.

By the way I think Mark ought to do the same by me. I've made enough "doll-babies" for him today and just now have him my big boquet of violets.  Oh I blieve [[believe]] I'll stick one in the envelope for you. Remember it once graced the bosom of your friend.

Do you say you want to see me? Well my dear child I yearn day and night for one more sight of you. Positively it's getting serious. I have dreamed of you every night for a week.

.... Perhaps if there was a pretty boy in Washington that I ever saw more than once, I might get stuck. But you know I see them once then they are gone forever. Myra says tell you the pretty fellows here are like shooting