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river flowed on in a manner suited to the peaceful times; and boys and girls laughed on the decks; and the sun smile and the breezes blew; and we were all glad there was no war.
Marshall Hall proved to be an old-fashioned southern mansion with other old-fashioned houses around it. The land was deeded to John Marshal and some one else for so many pounds of "tobacco and various other good deeds which had been done," by an Indian chief, "Emperor of
A party of young people were making merry inside the house. A fellow whistled a most beautiful solo.
On the way back the city presented a lovely appearance. All was blue haze but the monument tall and slender, and perhaps a few tiny spires and domes, a little stretch of land and the river with its sails in the foreground.
June 27. '91 - Mark and I just came from the Capitol. I am making sketches of places of interest. Am making on of our house so the folks can see what sort of a place we live in anyway. Well school is out. We had quite a day of saying good-bye on Wed. last. The Exhibition is to be Mon. + Tues. Edgar is sending out cards for me. I shall have five pictures on Exhbition. Ajax was returned. There are to be no promotions this term. Mr. Andrews told me I must go somewhere to learn to draw if I didn't come here - Mrs. Digney, hearing some of his complimentary remarks, rushed to me immediately with a smiling face and some word for me. I had to laugh