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Entry Conditions: 450 KIAS, MIL pwr
350 MIAS, MAX pwr
350 KIAS, AB - 60% nozzle (formation)
400 KIAS, MIL pwr (with POD)

Maneuver: From entry conditions, start a 4-5g pull up (4g with pod) using outside references to keep the wings level. Maintain the g load until airspeed decreases to the point where that g load results in excessive buffet. Relax back pressure at that point and fly to achieve proper pitch rate to arrive wings level, inverted at 150-200 KIAS. (The first 60° or so are openloop - fly the desired g load. The second 60° or so are also open loop - fly a comfortable g that results in good pitch rate without excessive buffet. The last 60° are closed loop - fly to arrive inverted with the desired conditions.) When pitch is about 90° look up (back over your seat) to acquire your visual reference on the horizon. Fly roll & heading to be properly pointed at the wings level, inverted point.

At the wings level, inverted position make a quick cross check of airspeed and altitude to assure that no hazardous condition exists (or is about to be created). Experience will be needed to judge this. Until then be conservative and use airspeed ≤  to 220 KIAS, altitude ≥ to 12,000' (or als ≤ 250 KIAS, alt ≥ 15,000') as safe continuation values. (Note: that is about 8,000' lower than the AF Training Command uses. Considerable proficiency and awareness of aircraft capability is assumed on your part.)

From wings level, inverted use your visual reference (points, line, shore , whatever) and continue the back pressure to keep the pitch rate going (Note: The pitch rate should be continuous through the inverted position. Don't relax the backpressure.) The first 90° of pitch on the pullout are the most critical to avoid excessive airspeed at the end. An angle-of-attack of 0.6 (also good for formation) is good to give a significant, but controlled pitch rate. Learn what this "looks & feels like" so that you won't need the AOA. Play the last 90° of pitch to complete the maneuver as desired (airspeed, altitude, heading, etc).

If AB is used, you can come back to MIL about 10-20° before wings level, inverted, or you can continue the complete maneuver in MAX - the major difference will be fuel consumption. In formation, do come out of AB 10°-20° above the horizon and throttle back to about 90% RPM for the pull through to give your wingman adequate throttle margin.