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nose is dropping too fast and will be well below the horizon at the 90° of turn point, you probably cannot salvage it, press on and set up for another start. Soft higher at the beginning next time.) Airspeed should be about 200 KIAS at the high point with 90° of turn completed. As the nose falls through the horizon with 90° of bank, pause for a moment to let it go below the horizon (but just for a moment), then begin a smooth roll and pull up to complete 180° of turn at about 350 KIAS and at the same altitude as you started with your wings level, pitch 0°. If done properly you are now approaching your visual line from 90° out on the other side from your original start. The other 3/4 of the maneuver are done the same as the first quarter, except that if you start to the right, the middle two quarter should be to the left and the last quarter to the right. Do not try to hurry or force the maneuver, it won't work. Fly it in a lazy Fashion and if it isn't what you wanted setup again for a retry.
Use outside references throughout; it's a lazy, semi-precise VFR maneuver.

Maneuver Profile:
from above: [[1st Hand-drawn diagram of Lazy 8 maneuver]]

[[2nd Hand-drawn diagram of Lazy 8 maneuver]]
view along reference line

1) Not flying it "lazy" enough - nothing will look right.
2) Poor coordination of pitch and bank on the way up - results will depends on how they were miscoordinated, but will be as you would predict. Practice will make this look really pretty.
3) Poor coordination of pitch and bank on the way down - usually done too fast on one or the other and the maneuver is completed too high and with less that 180° of turn. Practice will also make this pretty and practice will help.

Note that done properly for a full Lazy 8, the maneuver should end exactly as it started, including being over the same ground reference.
The faster the airspeed on entry; the longer the maneuver will take and the lazier it should be.

Transcription Notes:
[[1st Diagram of Lazy 8 maneuver, horizontal axis labeled "visual reference line", resembling an 8 on it's side, starting at the center point "350K", and following it up the path on the right inside "1", to the top of the right oval inside "2", and outside "~200K", to the right side point on the center line inside "3", and outside "350K", down to the bottom right inside "4", and outside "~200K", up towards the center point "5", and past the center point up left "6", top left oval outside "~200KIAS", down left inside "7", to the point left of center line "350K", down inside "8", bottom left oval outside "~200K", up towards center inside "9"]] [[2nd Diagram of Lazy 8 maneuver, resembles a flattened U. Left point "200K", center "350K", right point "200K"]]