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Entry Conditions: 450 KIAS / 95-100% RPM
400 KIAS / MIL (Pod)
400-450 KIAS / 550-600° EGT (Formation)

Maneuver: Set the throttles between 95% and MIL power to maintain 450KIAS in level flight (learn what this means since you will almost never fly in level flight at 450 knots. Its [[It's]] much easier to attain your velocity in a descent and put the throttles where you "know" theu belong.) Pick a visual reference on the horizon 90° to either side. (Also note heading on HSI for crosscheck).

Begin as you would for a loop - start a 3.5-4g pullup - at about 45° of pitch ease off the backpressure somewhat and visually fly the nose of the aircraft through a lofted trajectory to your visual reference point arriving at the point wings level, inverted with the nose on your point on the horizon. Airspeed should be 150-200 KIAS at the inverted position. The visually flown path from 45° pitch up to wings level, inverted on the horizon 90° from origin of heading is lofted and lazy - do not rush it. (Initial g load is a little less than for loop.)

Fly the remainder of the leaf as you would a loop except that you should play the last 90° of pitch for these entry conditions to continue (without power) into the next leaf.

Maneuver Profile: This looks like you would imagine, so I won't attempt the impossible (I have enough trouble with 2 dim. drawings).

1) Trying to hurry the lofted, lazy trajectory to the horizon
2) Not continuing to fly visually to your reference point. Be smooth, but do whatever it takes to get there by properly coordinating pitch and roll and varying each as required.
3) Pulling through too quickly - not enough airspeed to immediately start the next leaf. If this happens, sacrifice some altitude (if reasurable) and some time to attain the proper airspeed for entry. (Don't start up at 350KIAS - it won't work.)