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6. Throttle (2) - IDLE

7. Stick - LOWER NOSE to establish/maintain 280 kts IAS (approx).

8. Speed Brakes - FULL OPEN (trim NOSE Down as req'd).

9. Maintain 280 kts (approx.) (trim as req'd)

10. Descend until cabin altitude is less than 10000' MSL,
terrain and weather permitting:
a)If cabin pressurization is functional, this is about 26000' MSL (FL 260) aircraft altitude.
b) If cabin is NOT pressurized descent must be made to 10000' MSL or lower.
c) Do NOT descend below 2000' AGL or into instrument conditions.

11. Speed Brakes - RETRACT (trim NOSE UP as req'd)on approaching described level off altitude.

12. Throttle (2) - Advance as required (≈85-95%) to maintain 250-280 kt IAS and level flight 
(trim as req'd).

13. Maintain VFA conditions

* If canopy fogs over so badly that loss *
* of visual reference to the outside world is *
* imminent: *
* a) Force Item - STOW *
* b) Canopy Jettison - PULL *
* c) Descend below 10000' MSL if feasible *
* d) Expect to require higher throttle settings than before *

14. Attempt to communicate with/revive pilot at these lower cabin altitudes.
