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15. As aircraft fuel depletion is approached, fly to a suitable ejection area. If permitted, select an area and aircraft course that will allow ejection over a relatively unpopulated land area with later aircraft impact in the water or other unpopulated area.
(Ellington area controlled bail-out points)
(are: (a)SMITH POINT: EFD 105°/25 min; heading 130°)
(for ejection.)
((b)SAN LUIS PASS: EFD 180/25 min; heading 130°)
(for ejection.)

16. Advise communications facility of exact range, bearing, and TACAN station identification of planned ejection point.

17. When either (or both) Fuel  Quantity reaches 200# or less -
a) Advise communications possibility of intent to eject.
b) Zero Delay Lanyard - DISCONNECT.
c) Visor (either or both) - DOWN and LOCKED
d) Harness & chair strap - TIGHTEN
e) Oxygen Hose - DISCONNECT (Bailout Bottle - as desired)
f) Fly towards ejection point at least 2000' AGL and establish a 20° climb.
g) Crossing ejection point, Throttles (2) - IDLE.
h) Execute a controlled ejection.
