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The acceptance tests are currently scheduled for ~November/December (1979)....what software will they be using for the tests? and are there limitations (on the tests) imposed by SW inadequacies.
The tests will be performed with the 10/16/79 software. This includes the following CR's:

[[4 Columned Table]]
|19262B|19368A|→19522 (sign changes)|19633|
It does not include RMS downlist, but does include the STS-2 level C card data

The 1/29/80 software drop will include the following CR's (these will be unavailable for acceptance tests)

19264 B - PL latches
19196 A - mode change threshold
19312 A - POR (joint, angle displays in single)
19509 - position hold
19513 - singularity proximity; move detection to KDG (detects singularities in idle)
19516 - meter scale (won't change scale automatically)
19518 - new fault messages
19520 - reach limit/singularity flags reset
19521 - editorial