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9/12                                        STAFF MEETING

Bring Bostick up to date:
1. Abbey concurs with SMS position (contacted 
Machel, Thompson)
2. Thorsen working RMS CR's (3 of which - 
2 encoder & consistency check in direct drive 
are "we don't fly unless..." items)

1. TPS concept review 9/28 (trying to move 
this from Toronto to JSC) - MPAD should 
be included in these meetings...consumable 
constraints (power) may be important
2. WS light for inspection/repair - concept 
being worked (could just modify reflector), need to decide who (RI, SPAR, etc) does what
3. PGHM - RI looking at deflection data/
clearances (may be worse than suspected). 
Telecon in ~2 weeks [they're considering 
PL installation, not RMS installation]
4. Telecon 9/14 1030 w/ RI to discuss PL latch wiring/display