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-call Stevenson
-call Kattenbach: steies pain "movies"
  from Skylab

-show Dick the Skylab FDF
-MET/lat- long in HP41C....  +FDF "map"
1) get feet for angular fields of view:
[[handwritten diagram]] d=htanθ
take h = 1700 feet (pattern altitude at EFD [[40' with arrow pointing to EFD]]).
(DFL 410
viewing angle: 
[[3 columned table]]
|30°|d = 959'|(3.9 nmi)|
|45°|d = 1660'|(6.8 nmi)|
|60°|d = 2875'|(11.7 nmi)

suggest looking down Rwy 22 while in 17/35 pattern using runaway markings.

how far away (on Earth) is horizon from 150 nmi orbit?

[[handwritten diagram]]

θ=73.35° (to horizon)

∴ φ=16.65°

arc subtended by φ=1000 nmi
(distance on Earth that can be seen)
(x=993 nmi):