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Nov 81
Flight Technique #9 (STS-3)
IECM surveys
•4 hrs of battery, that begins when a pre-set timer times out (20 min cycle or 2 20 min cycles)
•timer also puts pwr on/takes it off contamination &/or plume instruments
FRCS: F3F firing to be performed for 3 
CIRC PUMP FTD's - 3rd cycle of ops, valve wasn't closed. (MPS TVC ISOL vlvs won't be re-installed)
P levels lower than models predicted (good)
T response higher models predicted (good).
C&W (won't add DTO's, look at data real-time... may have to change CIRC pump cycle.... & at worst, go out of attitude) 
•valve seats on VRCS (overheated..... problem?)
(may add VRCS heating test)

Transcription Notes:
Definitely some areas will need a double check for spelling.