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- what's going on PL RCDR
- [[with check mark]] Pal pumps: checking pumps & loop betw. flight?
- [[with check mark]] constrained motion test: REM latch cycling w/ RMS attached? yes
- "contingency" plan to use PDP for loaded arm ops
(instead of IECM)

10 DEC
• PLB lights: - leave mid off (yellow markers) 
- leave aft off (or 1 hr on, 1 hr off) during top sun
• yellow markers - identity switches pre-flight, & work 
to get them put on by close-out crew (e.g. PLB lights)
• inadvertant PL release..... CUE CARD?
(only 2 failures that could release PL with EE-off; fix schedule for STS-3 to solve 2nd capture = rel)
• don't nominally go to √6 Refomsnat [[?]] is FD GPC
(if IMU 3 fails - that's common IMU betw √5, √6 - go 
to ops 3, activate FD GPC -(others will have √6)-- it 
will pick up √6 when it joins redundant set)