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14 Dec (Crew Mtg)
-Entry memo: data shows o.k. to perform moves with 1 APV down, and on one yaw jet.
-Revised RMS/PRES C/L pgo (Gordo's version)- get to Hoeffer

16 Dec- Orbit sim
-PLBD: Learn about deflections, striker plates, rollers, markings, etc

- geometry of attitude; DAP configs; minor methods

-O2/N2 enter of PCS operation (how to get down to 9PS2)

-Auto FC purge: how does this work? (enables heaters & monitors T for 27 min .... if T doesn't get high enough, cycle isn't initiated).

-add stow cycle to PDRS C/L (check 2 mte stow time)

-Prioritize & order RMS FTD's 

-PRCS/RMS: how to abort/ pick it up

-how to return to attitude (chart/ cue card/ 41C)

-CIRC PUMP procedure in ORB OPS C/L

-PLBD cycle procedure: 5M 6 PC (Drawn down arrow) note necessary?