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17 Dec (Toronto - constrained motion)
data runs: equivalent config 
Y, Z, P, R available [[illustration of box with angle symbols, arrow to symbol labeled "B camera"]]

1. nominal run. Align above 
guides, come down in Z, make 
initial contact, use uswitches [microswitches, Greek letter Mu + switches] 
to figure out input required 
(& stay at bottom). Easy
[[illustration of box labeled "TOP:" with labels "A" "B" "C" inside the box, arrow pointing to the box labeled "microswitches"]] 

2. nominal run. Using only CAMR C. (Didn't 
look at digitals.) No pitch cue - used 
uswitches [[microswitches]] to get pitch. No X cue ..... (no 
X freedom in this sim). Easy.

NOTES: [[underlined]]

- times not representative (extra degrees of 
freedom will increase time significantly)

- berthings in direct/single much [[underlined]] easier 
than would be in flight (roll-out angle, 30 degree 

-flight rule forbiding berthing in single/dir 
should go: not [[underlined]] a safety/EVA question (won't 
get hung up ... might as well try) 
[[in left margin]] FDF procedure?

- flight rules on ops without cameras? Could be 
safety of flight if hooked under lip of slot.