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- call Hoeffer- PDRS C/L mtg (0930)

- OMS/RCS [[Triangle meaning change in or delta]] P constraints aren't a worry (per 
RCS tank tests at White Sands)


- pwr-up steps for SIM (mark C/L to indicate 
which items need to be done on successive days)

- mark up C/L (pWR-UP)

- put current limit cue card in REF section 
(what do these change if entered to GNC?)

- DECAL for VTR (STBY - [[illustrated diamond]] RUN PAUSE) 
Tape remaining decal
Tape pos:
Time rem:
- call NRCC (Aikenhead)

- on-orbit OMS burn - OPS 2 ?


- 50% current limits not req'd - bring up at 
7 JAN priorities mtg

- remove crew recording of temps (PDRS C/L)