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F ·VTR decals : get req. decals to Honaher - he'll 
start paperwork to CPCB (Hoeffer will do that)
F ·hotfire: perform as DTO on "all flights"
·RMS MRL malf rewrite (clarify flt rule and [[underlined]] 8 sec. time)
MON fault lt (malf procedure will get in book) - 
could be (1) brightness/contrast too high (~phospher protect)
(2) overtemp (turn off ~15 min)
(3) overcurrent - danger
·get procedures for 1 GNC GPC (orb ops, orb pkt)
[move DPS reconfig to orb ops?] [FCS check-out?]
·understand (MANF STATUS OVERRIDE) on RCS spec 
(DPS dictionary)

for RMS priorities mtg:
(1) DAC requirements? (VTR instead?)

(2) minimum mission?

(3) TAIL/SUN problem?

(4) PRCS: return to IC?

(5) current limits (100%)